Our Dealers
Profiles of some of our dealers are below (we are still working on the shy ones)
Shop 1 - Ipswich Antique Centre

The Centre itself sells a range of retail items such as furniture polish, jewellery bags, plate stands, magazines and assorted other items related to the trade. We are retailers of Howard Products, a range of popular restoration items you may use to maintain your precious collection in tip-top shape.
In addition, the Centre acting as an Antique Dealer in its own right offers a small number of antiques and / or collectables for sale where those sorts of items are not generally stocked by any of the other dealers.
Shop 7 - Toys for Boys

Toys for Boys offers ethnographic items such as Australian Aboriginal and New Guinea artefacts plus tools, instruments and books. Not really only for boys! We are keen to promote the wide range of Material Culture produced by Australian Aboriginal people.
Shop 8 - Heather & John Mildwaters

Heather and John are directors of the Centre. They have been serious collectors for over 50 years with major interests in Australian Colonial furniture, Victorian and earlier English furniture and porcelain, art glass, Oriental, Australian pottery, Australian art, books and catalogues and Australian Aboriginal artefacts. When they have to make room for something new, this is where the old item appears.
Shop 9 - Antipodes Antiques

Antipodes Antiques have been general dealers for over a quarter of a century. They offer a range of items including Australian Colonial furniture, English furniture, glassware, Australian pottery, porcelain, jewellery and bric-a-brac. Brass and iron beds are a speciality.
Shop 25 - Susan Burke

As a lover of antiques and old beautiful things, the one area I always thought was somewhat neglected was pictures. What is the point of having beautiful antique furniture without a complimentary range of pictures?
After identifying art as the forgotten aspect of the antique market, with pictures often relegated to the floor or behind piles of sfuff, I decided to search the globe to find beautiful, inspiring, different, unique or unusual pieces, so that decors could be properly complete. No home has a heart if there is no art on the walls to capture, enrapture, and take the mind to places it might not otherwise experience (anyway that is how I feel).
I have a particular penchant for the 1920-30's era but, no matter what its vintage, I will buy anything that I think is beautiful, unique, inspiring, different, unusual or even bizarre!
Art is not just pictural, so I will be providing all sorts of interesting items, large and small, expensive and hopefully not so expensive - I hope you enjoy my shop. Look for my pieces displayed on the walls and in one of the front cabinets.
Shop 26 - Vicki Bishop

Vicki is a Felt Artist and will be offering a selection of her fabulous creations as well as a range of antique and collectable smalls. Felt is a traditional craft of making a wool fabric by rolling merino wool with soap and water. Vicki combines this with a technique called "nuno felting" on silk to give a light, fun, strong material that drapes the body beautifully.
Shop 27 - Vintage Graphics

Vintage Graphics offers ready to frame quality prints in a wide range of vintage subjects.
Shop 32 - Kevin Parker Antiques

Kevin Parker Antiques is a long established dealer, valuer, importer and wholesaler. He trades in a range of items including furniture, fine art and collectables.
Shop 34 - Marcasite & More

Marcasite and More supply an extensive range of craftsmen designed and hand set Sterling silver and marcasite jewellery.
For more details, please see our web site at www.marcasiteandmore.com.au.
Shop 38 - Merchants of Miscellany

I'm Rachel Mullard, founder and principal dealer of the Merchants of Miscellany.
I've always loved things that are bizarre, unique, unusual or just have a great story. After a lifetime of collecting such 'wonderful things', it seemed appropriate to find a way to share this passion with the world ... Merchants of Miscellany is the result. The way I see it, every antique was once brand new. Someone designed it and made it, then sold it in a shop. Someone else loved it so much that they bought it, used it, and passed it along when they no longer needed it. The ethos of Merchants of Miscellany is built around this concept- finding each 'wonderful thing' its next loving home.
While the main focus is on vintage items with character, you will find the odd piece that has been upcycled, repurposed or restored to its former glory. Here you will find vintage glassware (art glass, depression glass, carnival glass), funky tea pots / sets / cups, and unusual things (need an original Indian floor Charkha?). If you're interested in interesting things, pay the Merchants of Miscellany a visit at Shop 38.
Shop 44 - Urban Antique Gallery
Urban Antique Gallery is a long established experienced general dealer presenting a wide range of items including furniture, bric-a-brac and collectables.
Shop 47 - Antony's Attic

Antony's Attic is a general dealer in collectables and specialises in Australian pottery and European glassware.
Shop 50 - Nick Koomen

Nick has been a general dealer in furniture and collectables for over 30 years. He is now disposing of his long-held personal collection and is offering a range of both utilitary and quirky items.
Shop 62 - Peter and Donna Landy
General dealer in collectibles and old wares. See also our separate shop at rear underneath Ipswich Antique Centre.